modify phase | Синтаксис: .modify phase #phasemask Selected character phasemask changed to #phasemask with related world vision update. Change active until in game phase changed, or GM-mode enable/disable, or re-login. Character pts pasemask update to same value. |
modify rage | Синтаксис: .modify rage #newrage Modify the rage of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your rage. |
modify reputation | Синтаксис: .modify reputation #repId (#repvalue | $rankname [#delta]) Sets the selected players reputation with faction #repId to #repvalue or to $reprank. If the reputation rank name is provided, the resulting reputation will be the lowest reputation for that rank plus the delta amount, if specified. You can use '.pinfo rep' to list all known reputation ids, or use '.lookup faction $name' to locate a specific faction id. |
modify runicpower | Синтаксис: .modify runicpower #newrunicpower Modify the runic power of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your runic power. |
modify scale | .modify scale #scale Modify size of the selected player or creature to "normal scale"*rate. If no player or creature is selected, modify your size. #rate may range from 0.1 to 10. |
modify speed | Синтаксис: .modify speed $speedtype #rate Modify the running speed of the selected player to "normal base run speed"= 1. If no player is selected, modify your speed. $speedtypes may be fly, all, walk, backwalk, or swim. #rate may range from 0.1 to 50. |
modify speed all | Синтаксис: .modify aspeed #rate Modify all speeds -run,swim,run back,swim back- of the selected player to "normalbase speed for this move type"*rate. If no player is selected, modify your speed. #rate may range from 0.1 to 50. |
modify speed backwalk | Синтаксис: .modify speed backwalk #rate Modify the speed of the selected player while running backwards to "normal walk back speed"*rate. If no player is selected, modify your speed. #rate may range from 0.1 to 50. |
modify speed fly | .modify speed fly #rate Modify the flying speed of the selected player to "normal flying speed"*rate. If no player is selected, modify your speed. #rate may range from 0.1 to 50. |
modify speed swim | Синтаксис: .modify speed swim #rate Modify the swim speed of the selected player to "normal swim speed"*rate. If no player is selected, modify your speed. #rate may range from 0.1 to 50. |
modify speed walk | Синтаксис: .modify speed bwalk #rate Modify the speed of the selected player while running to "normal walk speed"*rate. If no player is selected, modify your speed. #rate may range from 0.1 to 50. |
modify spell | TODO |
modify standstate | Синтаксис: .modify standstate #emoteid Change the emote of your character while standing to #emoteid. |
modify talentpoints | Синтаксис: .modify talentpoints #amount Set free talent points for selected character or character's pet. It will be reset to default expected at next levelup/login/quest reward. |
modify xp | Синтаксис: .modify xp #xp Gives experience points to the targeted player or self. |
morph | Синтаксис: .morph #displayid Change your current model id to #displayid. |
movegens | Синтаксис: .movegens Show movement generators stack for selected creature or player. |
mutehistory | Синтаксис: |
nameannounce | Синтаксис: .nameannounce $announcement. Send an announcement to all online players, displaying the name of the sender. |
neargrave | Синтаксис: .neargrave [alliance|horde] Find nearest graveyard linked to zone (or only nearest from accepts alliance or horde faction ghosts). |
npc | Синтаксис: .npc $subcommand Type .npc to see the list of possible subcommands or .help npc $subcommand to see info on subcommands |
npc add | Синтаксис: .npc add #entry Spawn a creature using template #entry and save it to the database. If you want a temporary spawn that is not saved to the database, use .npc add temp instead. |
npc delete | Синтаксис: .npc delete [#guid] Удаляет существо с guid #guid (или выбранное, если guid не указан) |
npc evade | Синтаксис: .npc evade [reason] [force] Makes the targeted NPC enter evade mode. Defaults to specifying EVADE_REASON_OTHER, override this by providing the reason string (ex.: .npc evade EVADE_REASON_BOUNDARY). Specify 'force' to clear any pre-existing evade state before evading - this may cause weirdness, use at your own risk. |
npc follow | Синтаксис: .npc follow start Selected creature start follow you until death/fight/etc. |
1. Зарегистрировать новую учетную запись
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