npc follow stop | Синтаксис: .npc follow stop Selected creature (non pet) stop follow you. |
npc info | Синтаксис: .npc info Display a list of details for the selected creature. The list includes: GUID, Faction, NPC flags, Entry ID, Model ID, Level, Health (current/maximum), - Field flags, dynamic flags, faction template, Position information, and the creature type, e.g. if the creature is a vendor. |
npc move | Синтаксис: .npc move [#creature_guid] Move the targeted creature spawn point to your coordinates. |
npc near | Синтаксис: |
npc playemote | Синтаксис: .npc playemote #emoteid Make the selected creature emote with an emote of id #emoteid. |
npc say | Синтаксис: .npc say $message Make selected creature say specified message. |
npc showloot | Синтаксис: .npc showloot [all] Shows the loot contained in targeted dead creature. |
npc textemote | Синтаксис: .npc textemote #emoteid Make the selected creature to do textemote with an emote of id #emoteid. |
npc whisper | Синтаксис: .npc whisper #playerguid #text ake the selected npc whisper #text to #playerguid. |
npc yell | Синтаксис: .npc yell $message Make selected creature yell specified message. |
pet | Синтаксис: .pet $subcommand Type .pet to see the list of possible subcommands or .help pet $subcommand to see info on subcommands |
pet create | Синтаксис: .pet create Creates a pet of the selected creature. |
pet level | Синтаксис: .pet level #dLevel Increases/decreases the pet's level by #dLevel. Pet's level cannot exceed the owner's level. |
pet unlearn | Синтаксис: .pet unlean unLearn #spellid to pet. |
pinfo | Синтаксис: .pinfo [$player_name/#GUID] Output account information and guild information for selected player or player find by $player_name or #GUID. |
pvpstats | Shows number of battleground victories in the last 7 days |
quest | Синтаксис: .quest $subcommand Type .quest to see the list of possible subcommands or .help quest $subcommand to see info on subcommands |
quest add | Синтаксис: .quest add #quest_id Add to character quest log quest #quest_id. Quest started from item can't be added by this command but correct .additem call provided in command output. |
quest complete | Синтаксис: .quest complete #questid ark all quest objectives as completed for target character active quest. After this target character can go and get quest reward. |
quest remove | Синтаксис: .quest remove #quest_id Set quest #quest_id state to not completed and not active (and remove from active quest list) for selected player. |
quest reward | Синтаксис: .quest reward #questId Grants quest reward to selected player and removes quest from his log (quest must be in completed state). |
recall | Синтаксис: .recall [$playername] Teleport $playername or selected player to the place where he has been before last use of a teleportation command. If no $playername is entered and no player is selected, it will teleport you. |
reload quest_greeting_locale | Синтаксис: .reload quest_greeting_locale Reload quest_greeting_locale table. |
repairitems | Синтаксис: .repairitems Чинит все предметы выбранного персонажа. |
reset | Синтаксис: .reset $subcommand Type .reset to see the list of possible subcommands or .help reset $subcommand to see info on subcommands |
1. Зарегистрировать новую учетную запись
2. Вы должны иметь установленный клиент игры World of Warcraft версии 3.3.5a 12340
Скачать русский клиент игры можно здесь(3.3.5a): Торрент и здесь
Скачать русский клиент игры можно здесь(7.3.5): Скачать и Скачать
3. В файле *ПАПКА С КЛИЕНТОМ*/Data/enGB/ указать следующее:
3.3.5: set realmlist
7.3.5: set realmlist
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4. Удалить папки Cache и WTF в корневой папке с игрой
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